Home » Bill Hearings for Week of February 06, 2023

Bill Hearings for Week of February 06, 2023

  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 121 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 31 and opposition of 16 with 11 being of interest.
Of the 39 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 0 and opposition of 0 with 1 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Oppose HB134 extending the public employees labor relations act to employees of the general court and relative to the duties of the joint committee on legislative facilities. Legislative Administration Mon 2/6 1:00 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill establishes the legislature as a public employer under the public employee labor relations act and establishes procedures for collective bargaining by nonpartisan employees.
Support HB381 relative to the system benefits charge. Science, Technology and Energy Mon 2/6 9:30 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill provides that system benefits charge and local distribution adjustment charge funding levels may only be increased by passage of legislation or authorization by the fiscal committee of the general court.
Support HB257 relative to telephone carrier of last resort obligations. Science, Technology and Energy Mon 2/6 2:30 PM LOB Room 302-304 This bill allows for an incumbent telephone utility to be relieved of its carrier of last resort obligations.
Support HB491 relative to prohibiting the use of the prone restraint for minors. Children and Family Law Tue 2/7 11:00 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill prohibits the use of prone restraint on a child in a school or treatment facility.
Support HB490 relative to modifying the definition of neglect. Children and Family Law Tue 2/7 2:00 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill amends the definition of neglected child to exclude a child permitted to engage in certain independent activities.
Oppose SB143 establishing a scholarship fund for certain small businesses applying for loans from the capital access program administered by the New Hampshire business finance authority. Commerce Tue 2/7 9:00 AM SH Room 100 This bill establishes a scholarship fund in the capital access program of the business finance authority to cover entry costs for socially and/or economically disadvantaged individual small business owners applying for loans from the program.
Oppose SB196 establishing a minimum amount of uninsured motorist coverage required for vehicles operating as part of transportation network companies in New Hampshire. Commerce Tue 2/7 9:45 AM SH Room 100 This bill establishes a set minimum amount of coverage required for vehicles operating as part of a transportation network company in New Hampshire.
Oppose SB144 relative to the state minimum hourly rate. Commerce Tue 2/7 10:00 AM SH Room 100 This bill provides for increases in the minimum hourly rate.
Of Interest HB648 relative to establishing a state bank of New Hampshire. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Tue 2/7 11:00 AM LOB Room 210-211 This bill establishes a state bank of New Hampshire.
Oppose SB214 establishing a department of early childhood education and relative to a pre-kindergarten pilot program.  Education Tue 2/7 9:30 AM LOB Room 101 This bill establishes an executive branch department of early childhood education. The bill also establishes the authority for the department to design, create, and administer a 3-year high quality, community-based, mixed delivery public pre-kindergarten pilot program.
Of Interest HB505 relative to comprehensive mental health education in schools. Education Tue 2/7 11:15 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill adds comprehensive mental health education to the public school health education curriculum.
Support HB539 relative to vaccination clinics at schools. Education Tue 2/7 1:45 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill prohibits a public elementary or secondary school from conducting a vaccination clinic during school hours.
Of Interest HB179 relative to the definition of electioneering. Election Law Tue 2/7 2:00 PM LOB Room 306-308 This bill amends the definition of “electioneering” to remove the prohibition against wearing clothing or paraphernalia that a reasonable person would believe explicitly advocates for or against any candidate, political party, or measure being voted.
Oppose SB132 prohibiting cities and towns from adopting sanctuary policies. Election Law and Municipal Affairs Tue 2/7 9:45 AM LOB Room 103 This bill prohibits any state or local government entity from establishing sanctuary policies.
Of Interest SB155 relative to the adoption of school administrative unit budgets. Election Law and Municipal Affairs Tue 2/7 10:00 AM LOB Room 103 This bill revises the procedure for the adoption of the annual budget for school administrative units and repeals the alternative budget adoption procedure.
Oppose SB55 making an appropriation for the Cannon Mountain tramway. Finance Tue 2/7 1:00 PM SH Room 103 This bill appropriates $25 million for the Cannon Mountain tramway from the fiscal year 2023 surplus.
Of Interest HB558 relative to electric microgrids and electric grid resiliency. Science, Technology and Energy Tue 2/7 10:00 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill establishes the authority for and procedures for adoption of electric microgrids.
Of Interest HB605 relative to solar generation under the renewable portfolio standards. Science, Technology and Energy Tue 2/7 10:30 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill revises the minimum percentages for solar electrical generation included in the renewable portfolio standards for 2024 through 2050 and after.
Of Interest HB616 relative to administration of the New Hampshire’s renewable portfolio standard. Science, Technology and Energy Tue 2/7 2:30 PM LOB Room 302-304 This bill eliminates the use of the class definitions for renewable electrical generation for compliance with the renewable portfolio standard requirements, and adds Generation IV or later nuclear energy systems as a new class for the renewable energy portfolio standard.
Support HB370 relative to after market window tinting on motor vehicles for drivers with medical conditions. Transportation Tue 2/7 9:30 AM LOB Room 201-203 This bill authorizes persons with medical conditions to apply for a special permit to waive the prohibition on automobile after market window tinting on the left and right side of the driver.
Support HB537 permitting vehicles to have front windshield tinting. Transportation Tue 2/7 10:00 AM LOB Room 201-203 This bill removes the prohibition on front windshield tinted glass.
Oppose HB356 relative to the application of motor vehicle laws to bicycles. Transportation Tue 2/7 10:30 AM LOB Room 201-203 This bill would require bicycles to have 4″ diameter mirrors on each side of the handlebars while operating on public ways with other motor vehicles.
Of Interest HB198 modifying the new resident drivers’ license transfer requirement. Transportation Tue 2/7 1:30 PM LOB Room 201-203 This bill would require nonresident drivers who establish residency in New Hampshire to notify the department of safety if they then cease to become residents within 60 days, or if their out of state driver’s license expires or is relinquished.
Support HB280 relative to the sale of freeze-dried food. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Wed 2/8 1:45 PM LOB Room 302-304 This bill excludes freeze dried fruits and vegetables from the definition of potentially hazardous food.
Of Interest HB645 relative to the establishment of decentralized autonomous organizations as legal entities within the state. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Wed 2/8 2:15 PM LOB Room 302-304 This bill establishes decentralized autonomous organizations within the state.
Oppose HB32 relative to possession or discharge of a firearm in a safe school zone. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Wed 2/8 9:00 AM SH Room Reps Hall This bill adds a criminal offense for the possession or discharge of a firearm in a safe school zone.
Oppose HB59 requiring a background check prior to any commercial firearm sale. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Wed 2/8 9:45 AM SH Room Reps Hall This bill requires commercial firearms sales or transfers in this state to be subject to a criminal background check and provides a criminal penalty for a violation. The bill excludes private, noncommercial sales or transfers between individuals, provided neither individual is prohibited from owning or possessing a firearm under state or federal law.
Oppose HB76 imposing a waiting period between the purchase and delivery of a firearm. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Wed 2/8 10:30 AM SH Room Reps Hall This bill establishes a waiting period for the delivery of a firearm.
Oppose HB78 repealing an act prohibiting the state from enforcing any federal statute, regulation, or Presidential Executive Order that restricts or regulates the right of the people to keep or bear arms. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Wed 2/8 11:15 AM SH Room Reps Hall This bill repeals the prohibition on the state from enforcing any federal statute, regulation, or Presidential Executive Order that restricts or regulates the right of the people to keep and bear arms.
Oppose HB106 relative to extreme risk protection orders. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Wed 2/8 1:00 PM SH Room Reps Hall This bill establishes a procedure for issuing extreme risk protection orders to protect against persons who pose an immediate risk of harm to themselves or others.
Oppose HB351 relative to the negligent storage of firearms and relative to firearm safety devices. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Wed 2/8 1:45 PM SH Room Reps Hall This bill requires a locking safety device accompany all private and commercial firearms transactions and expands the criminal penalties for negligent storage of firearms.
Oppose HB444 prohibiting possession of a firearm at a polling place. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Wed 2/8 2:30 PM SH Room Reps Hall This bill prohibits possessing a firearm at a polling place and includes certain exceptions.
Support HB474 relative to enforcement of federal firearms laws and establishing penalties. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Wed 2/8 3:15 PM SH Room Reps Hall This bill prohibits the enforcement of any federal law or rule that might impair a person’s natural right to firearm ownership and natural right to self-defense and requires any public official who attempts to enforce such a federal law to be terminated from their position.
Oppose HB623 establishing a teacher candidate loan forgiveness program. Education Wed 2/8 10:45 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill establishes a teacher candidate loan forgiveness program administered by the university system for new teachers in critical teacher shortage areas of the state.
Support HB563 relative to the adoption of school administrative unit budgets. Education Wed 2/8 11:15 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill revises the procedure for the adoption of the annual budget for school administrative units and repeals the alternative budget adoption procedure.
Of Interest HB354 relative to chartered public school eligibility for state school building aid. Education Wed 2/8 1:45 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill adds chartered public schools to the procedures for consideration, approval, plan requirements, and determination of grants for school building aid.
Support HB394 relative to the organization of cooperative school boards. Education Wed 2/8 2:30 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill requires that officers of cooperative school boards and the locations of meetings of the board rotate among the members and their districts.
Support HB632 relative to the cooperative school district budget committee. Education Wed 2/8 3:00 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill requires that the chairperson of the cooperative school district budget committee shall not be from the same pre-existing district in consecutive years.
Of Interest SB1 (New Title) relative to the closing of the Sununu youth services center and establishing a commission to study the public safety of the secured youth development center and surrounding communities. Finance Wed 2/8 10:00 AM LOB Room 210-211 This bill requires the closure of the Sununu youth services center, and sets out parameters for the contract for a replacement facility. The bill also establishes a commission to study the public safety of the youth development center and surrounding communities.
Oppose SB175 relative to Medicaid coverage for mothers. Health and Human Services Wed 2/8 9:45 AM LOB Room 101 This bill: 1. Mandates that the department of health and human services extend Medicaid coverage for pregnant women to 12 months postpartum, to cover doula services, to cover lactation services, and to cover donor breast milk for eligible infants, and creates appropriations thereof. 2. Establishes minimum workplace supports for nursing mothers. 3. Appropriates money to the department of health and human services to support healthy outcomes for caregivers and children. 4. Establishes a commission to study home visiting programs for all parents of newborns and young children. 5. Mandates the department of health and human services establish a network of early childhood behavioral health supports.
Support HB262 relative to laboratory testing by licensed naturopaths Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Wed 2/8 9:00 AM LOB Room 210-211 This bill adds naturopathic doctors to the definition of “licensed medical practitioner” for health facilities authorized for laboratory testing.
Support HB477 to prohibit municipal inspections of owner-occupied units of multi-unit housing. Municipal and County Government Wed 2/8 10:50 AM LOB Room 301-303 This bill prohibits municipal inspections of owner-occupied units within residential structures of 4 units or less.
Oppose HB467 relative to public playground accessibility. Municipal and County Government Wed 2/8 12:00 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill requires public playgrounds in use on or after January 1, 2024 to have solid rubber or rubber composite surfacing for accessibility to the playground and each piece of equipment.
Support HB423 relative to accessory dwelling unit uses allowed by right. Municipal and County Government Wed 2/8 1:45 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill increases the number of accessory dwelling units allowed by right from one to 2, changes the definition of attached unit, and increases the maximum square footage from 750 to 1,000. It also gives towns the right to require one unit to meet the definition for workforce housing.
Support HB135 prohibiting no-knock warrants. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Thu 2/9 9:30 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill prohibits a law enforcement officer from seeking, executing, or participating in the execution of a no-knock search warrant.
Support HB481 relative to arrest warrants and search warrants. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Thu 2/9 1:00 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill requires that the state disclose any prior evidence used to obtain either an arrest warrant or a search warrant, and whether a prior arrest or search warrant was denied based on the evidence being submitted in requesting a new arrest or search warrant.
Support HB593 relative to the forfeiture of assets in connection with a drug offense. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Thu 2/9 2:30 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill establishes a procedure for the forfeiture of items used in connection with a drug offense.
Support HB624 relative to federal immigration checkpoints. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Thu 2/9 3:30 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill requires a law enforcement agency to provide public notice of an immigration checkpoint.
Of Interest HB653 prohibiting personal recognizance bail for violent crimes. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Thu 2/9 4:00 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill lists certain offenses which, if committed by the defendant, create a presumption that a defendant is a danger to the public and shall be detained for up to 36 hours. The bill also provides that a person who commits an offense while on bail shall be detained without bail pending a hearing before a judge.
Oppose HB532 relative to the licensure and regulation of music therapists. Executive Departments and Administration Thu 2/9 10:30 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill establishes the licensure and regulation of music therapists under the allied health professionals.
Support HB507 relative to unauthorized practice in occupational and professional licensing and certification. Executive Departments and Administration Thu 2/9 11:15 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill clarifies that penalties for the unlicensed practice of a profession regulated under the office of professional licensure and certification do not apply so long as the person practicing does not hold themselves out as being licensed or certified and discloses the fact that he or she is not licensed or certified.
Support HB594 relative to the licensure of out-of-state applicants to boards or commissions organized under the office of professional licensure and certification. Executive Departments and Administration Thu 2/9 1:15 PM LOB Room 306-308 This bill authorizes the office of professional licensure and certification to issue licenses to out-of-state applicants who are licensed in another state, if the other state’s licensing requirements are substantially similar to those in New Hampshire.
Support HB644 relative to regulating barbers, cosmetologists, and estheticians. Executive Departments and Administration Thu 2/9 2:00 PM LOB Room 306-308 This bill makes changes to the regulation of barbers, cosmetologists, and estheticians.
Support HB188 relative to the duration of physical therapy. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Thu 2/9 9:00 AM LOB Room 201-203 This bill removes the requirement that a physical therapist refer a patient to a health care provider if there is no documented improvement after 25 days of treatment.
Support HB500 relative to prescribing opioids via telehealth medicine. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Thu 2/9 10:30 AM LOB Room 201-203 This bill allows practitioners of telehealth medicine to prescribe opioids.
Support HB611 relative to eligibility criteria for the therapeutic cannabis program. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Thu 2/9 1:00 PM LOB Room 201-203 This bill removes the requirement that severe pain be resistant to other treatment options in order to be considered a qualifying medical condition for therapeutic cannabis.
Support HB610 expanding the definition of providers who can certify patients of the therapeutic cannabis program. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Thu 2/9 1:30 PM LOB Room 201-203 This bill expands the definition of provider under the therapeutic cannabis program to include any individual licensed in New Hampshire to prescribe drugs to humans who holds an active registration from the United States Drug Enforcement Administration to prescribe controlled substances. The bill also requires, for issuance of a registry identification card to a minor, certification from either a pediatrician or family practice provider.
Support HB431 permitting qualifying patients and designated caregivers to cultivate cannabis for therapeutic use. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Thu 2/9 2:00 PM LOB Room 201-203 This bill permits qualifying patients and designated caregivers to cultivate cannabis for therapeutic use.
Oppose HB191 relative to voluntarily surrendered firearms. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Fri 2/10 9:30 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill removes the prohibition on a state agency operating a voluntary firearms “surrender and destroy” program and permits a state agency to destroy voluntarily surrendered firearms.
Support HB305 relative to exceptions for violations related to Presidential Executive Orders governing the keeping or bearing of arms. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Fri 2/10 10:15 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill limits the ability of state, local, or county law enforcement officials to aid federal officials in the investigation of criminal violations for federal firearms laws to cases where the state criminal violation is a class A felony only.
Support HB651 authorizing the department of education and local school districts to contract with transportation network companies to provide school transportation services. Education Fri 2/10 9:45 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill allows the department of education to contract for buses to transport pupils with transportation network companies.
Support HB275 relative to schools approved for a school tuition program by a school board. Education Fri 2/10 11:15 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill allows a pupil’s parents to pay the difference between a receiving school tuition cost and the sending district tuition cap in a school tuition program.
Oppose HB640 relative to cost recovery for vocational rehabilitation programs. Education Fri 2/10 12:45 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill repeals the state’s right to recover the cost of vocational rehabilitation services from an individual who receives a third party settlement or benefit award.
Oppose HB628 requiring certain non-public schools or education service providers that accept public funds to perform background checks on all employees and volunteers. Education Fri 2/10 1:15 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill requires nonpublic schools and education service providers that accept public funds to comply with requirements for criminal history background checks for employees and volunteers.
Support HB427 relative to public comment and inquiry during school board meetings. Education Fri 2/10 2:00 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill establishes requirements for public meetings held by a school board to include a designated time period for questions from the public and answers from the board. The bill also allows an attendee of a meeting of the school board to demand which New Hampshire statute or administrative rule gives the school board the authority described in a school policy or operational procedure.
Oppose HB629 establishing a student bill of rights. Education Fri 2/10 2:45 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill establishes a student bill of rights.