- These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
- Click on the bill number to read the bill.
- Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.
Of the 15 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 7 and opposition of 0 with 2 being of interest.
Of the 12 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 0 and opposition of 1 with 0 being of interest.
Position | Bill | Title | Committee | Day | Time | Room | State Analysis |
Oppose | SB265 | repealing the provision related to religious use of land and structures. | Judiciary | Tue 3/11 | 1:15 PM | SH Room 100 | This bill repeals the statute that prohibits certain zoning ordinances and site plan reviews related to the use of land and structures for religious purposes. |
Support | HB695 | relative to school districts and medically-related grants. | Education Policy and Administration | Wed 3/12 | 1:00 PM | LOB Room 205-207 | This bill directs the department of education to require school districts to adopt a policy prohibiting schools from seeking grants for medical products or services or accepting grant-provided medical products or services, or funds therefor, unless the citizens of the municipality vote in favor of such action. |
Support | HB768 | allowing public schools to contract with any approved private school. | Education Policy and Administration | Wed 3/12 | 1:45 PM | LOB Room 205-207 | This bill allows public schools to enter into contracts with any approved private school, including religious schools. |
Support | HB446 | relative to parental notice for non-academic surveys in public schools. | Education Policy and Administration | Wed 3/12 | 2:15 PM | LOB Room 205-207 | This bill requires school districts to email parents copies of non-academic surveys in public schools. |
Of Interest | HB1 | making appropriations for the expenses of certain departments of the state for fiscal years ending June 30, 2026 and June 30, 2027. | Finance | Wed 3/12 | 2:00 PM | SH Room Reps Hall | No analysis needed. |
Of Interest | HB2 | relative to state fees, funds, revenues, and expenditures. | Finance | Wed 3/12 | 2:00 PM | SH Room Reps Hall | This bill: 1. Makes various changes to the standards and the administration of bail. 2. Adds new definitions to the endangered species conservation act. 3. Requires the department of environmental services to adopt rules and review procedures such that actions of state agencies do not jeopardize the existence or habitats of species protected under the endangered species conservation act. 4. Establishes an environmental scientist position within the department of environmental services to ensure that state agencies do not jeopardize the existence or habitats of species protected under the endangered species conservation act. 5. Requires that rules established by the executive director of the fish and game department establish an administrative fee that the executive director may collect from payments made to the threatened and endangered species compensatory mitigation fund. 6. Requires the department of environmental services to adopt rules regarding when mitigation payments to the threatened and end |
Support | HB621 | allowing the birth mother to opt out of sharing certain information from the birth worksheet with state agencies. | Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs | Wed 3/12 | 10:30 AM | LOB Room 202-204 | This bill allows the birth mother to opt out of sharing certain information from the birth worksheet with state agencies. The bill also directs the department of health and human services and the division of vital records to update the memorandum of understanding regarding information sharing to reflect this practice. |
Support | HB664 | relative to childhood immunization requirements. | Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs | Wed 3/12 | 1:00 PM | LOB Room 202-204 | This bill provides that childhood immunization requirements shall not require a vaccine that has not been tested with an inert placebo in clinical trials. |
Support | HB679 | relative to immunization requirements. | Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs | Wed 3/12 | 1:30 PM | LOB Room 202-204 | This bill provides that no childhood immunization requirement shall require a vaccine that has not been shown in clinical trials to prevent transmission of any disease. |
Support | HB584 | relative to public health, safety, and state sovereignty. | Judiciary | Wed 3/12 | 9:30 AM | LOB Room 206-208 | This bill: I. Provides that the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum shall have no jurisdiction in New Hampshire. II. Removes a reference to medical schools recognized by the World Health Organization and replaces it with a reference to the World Directory of Medical Schools. III. Creates a cause of action against counties, cities, towns, precincts, water districts, school districts, school administrative units, or quasi-public entities who create and enforce policies based on the claims of the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum. |