Home » Bill Hearings for Week of March 17, 2025

Bill Hearings for Week of March 17, 2025

  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 7 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 2 and opposition of 1 with 0 being of interest.
Of the 21 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 2 and opposition of 1 with 2 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Support HB208 relative to certification requirements for school nurses. Education Tue 3/18 10:45 AM LOB Room 101 This bill allows a superintendent and school board to nominate and appoint a school nurse, who must be licensed and registered with the board of nursing.
Of Interest HB127 extending the closing date of the OHRV trails on the Connecticut River Headwaters property from September 30 to Columbus Day. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 3/18 9:20 AM SH Room 103 This bill extends the annual closing date for OHRV trails on the Connecticut Lakes headwaters working forest property until the second Monday in October, which is Columbus Day.
Oppose HB468 establishing the crime of and penalties for unlawful use of unmanned aircraft systems. Judiciary Tue 3/18 2:30 PM SH Room 100 This bill establishes the crime of and penalties for unlawful use of small unmanned aircraft systems.
Oppose HB25 making appropriations for capital improvements. Public Works and Highways Tue 3/18 10:00 AM LOB Room 201 This bill makes appropriations for capital improvements for the biennium and extends certain lapse dates for previous appropriations.
Support HB224 relative to rebates to ratepayers from the renewable energy fund. Ways and Means Tue 3/18 10:00 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill requires moneys paid into the renewable energy fund to be rebated to ratepayers.
Support HB524 repealing the New Hampshire vaccine association. Ways and Means Tue 3/18 10:30 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill repeals RSA 126-Q, relative to the New Hampshire vaccine association.
Of Interest SB301 creating a joint legislative oversight committee. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 3/19 9:15 AM SH Room 103 This bill creates a joint legislative oversight committee.
Support HB591 expanding hours for keno gaming on weekends. Ways and Means Wed 3/19 9:50 AM SH Room 100 This bill expands permitted keno hours of operations on weekends.