Home » Liberty Ratings

The Liberty Rating report card is based on pro-liberty and anti-liberty votes and their impact on the State of New Hampshire—actual, recorded floor votes on legislation in the House and Senate. Bills have been carefully selected for inclusion which clearly demonstrate the level of respect our elected representatives show for our individual rights and liberties.

Pro-liberty votes protect individual freedom of choice and personal responsibility, recognize the superiority of freedom over coercion, respect the citizen’s right of self-ownership, promote governance that is transparent, accountable, and adheres to the Constitution, and recognize the value of voluntary economic decisions.

Anti-liberty votes attempt to replace self-governance with interventionist regulation, assume rules made by agencies backed by force are superior to voluntary choices backed by personal accountability, and assume a better economy can be managed by a central authority that compels people and businesses to pay for policies they may not willingly support.

The Liberty Rating is the result of hundreds of hours of work by many volunteers who have read and analyzed bills, testified before committees, called and written their representatives, worked on our other signature publication, the Gold Standard, and culled extensive data from legislative voting records.

We encourage New Hampshire citizens to learn the facts about how their elected representatives are voting in Concord and to use this tool to hold them accountable. This report card serves as a valuable voter guide when these same reps are running for re-election.

2024 Liberty Rating

2024 Rating
2024 Data

2024 Mid-Term Liberty Rating

2024 Mid-Term Rating
2024 Mid-Term Data

2023 Liberty Rating

2023 Rating
2023 Data

2022 Liberty Rating

2022 Rating
2022 Data

2022 Mid-Term Liberty Rating

2022 Mid-Term Rating
2022 Mid-Term Data

2021 Liberty Rating

2021 Rating
2021 Data

2020 Liberty Rating

With the state’s response to COVID-19 and reduced number of session days and roll call votes this year, we opted to not identify a legislator of the year this year. We want to say a special thank you to the 23 A+ rated reps this year.

2020 Rating
2020 Data

2019 Liberty Rating

2019 Rating
2019 Data

2018 Liberty Rating

2018 Rating
2018 Data

2017 Liberty Rating

2017 Rating

2017 Data

2016 Liberty Rating

This is the thirteenth annual Liberty Rating issued by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance, based on 98 roll call votes in the House, 37 roll call votes in the Senate, and 157 pieces of sponsored legislation. This year the House earned a collective grade of C and the Senate a C-.

2016 Rating

2016 Data

2015 Liberty Rating

This is the twelfth annual Liberty Rating issued by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance, based on 50 roll call votes in the House and 22 in the Senate. This year the House earned a collective grade of C and the Senate a C+.

2015 Rating

2015 Data

2014 Liberty Rating

This is the 11th Annual Liberty Rating issued by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance, based on 94 roll calls in the House and 24 in the Senate. Bills have been carefully selected for inclusion which clearly demonstrate the level of respect our elected representatives show for our individual rights and liberties.

2014 Rating

2014 Data

2013 Liberty Rating

This is the tenth annual Liberty Rating issued by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance, based on 57 roll call votes in the House and 20 in the Senate. Bills have been carefully selected for inclusion which clearly demonstrate the level of respect our elected representatives show for our individual rights and liberties.

This year we offer our sincerest thanks to the NHLA Legislator of the Year, the Honorable Representative Mark Warden for his unwavering support of liberty. Representative Warden has earned the distinction of being the first two-time winner of the Legislator of the Year award, the first time being in 2011. His voting record proves his dedication to the principles upon which this great state, as well as this organization, were founded.


2013 Rating

2013 Data

2012 Liberty Rating

This is the ninth annual Liberty Rating issued by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance. Bills have been carefully selected for inclusion which clearly demonstrate the level of respect our elected representatives show for our individual rights and liberties.

2012 Rating

2012 Data

2011 Liberty Rating

This is the eighth annual Liberty Rating issued by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance. Bills have been carefully selected for inclusion which clearly demonstrate the level of respect our elected representatives show for our individual rights and liberties.

2011 Rating

2011 Data

2010 Liberty Rating

This is the seventh annual Liberty Rating issued by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance. Bills have been carefully selected for inclusion which clearly demonstrate the level of respect our elected representatives show for our individual rights and liberties.

2010 Rating

2010 Data

2009 Liberty Rating

This is the sixth annual Liberty Rating issued by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance. Bills have been carefully selected for inclusion which clearly demonstrate the level of respect our elected representatives show for our individual rights and liberties. We’d like to congratulate our Legislator of the Year, Edith “Dee” Hogan, and our Activist of the Year, Keith Carlsen, for their tireless efforts to promote and enhance liberty in the State of New Hampshire.

2009 Rating

2009 Data

2008 Liberty Rating

This is the fifth annual Liberty Rating issued by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance. Bills have been carefully selected for inclusion which clearly demonstrate the level of respect our elected representatives show for our individual rights and liberties.

2008 Rating

2008 Data

2007 Liberty Rating

This is the fourth annual Liberty Rating issued by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance. Bills have been carefully selected for inclusion which clearly demonstrate the level of respect our elected representatives show for our individual rights and liberties.

2007 House Rating

2007 Senate Rating

2007 Data

2006 Liberty Rating

This is the third annual Liberty Rating issued by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance. Bills have been carefully selected for inclusion which clearly demonstrate the level of respect our elected representatives show for our individual rights and liberties.

2006 House Rating

2006 Senate Rating

2006 Data

2005 Liberty Rating

This is the second annual Liberty Rating issued by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance. Bills have been carefully selected for inclusion which clearly demonstrate the level of respect our elected representatives show for our individual rights and liberties.

2005 Rating