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Big Damn Heroes party

The New Hampshire Liberty Alliance and Porcupine Outdoor Recreation Club have a notion to show you a good time on the evening of March 2!

The event starts with a tailgate party outside of Chunky’s in Manchester at 5:00pm, followed by a Firefly/Serenity costume contest inside the theater at 6:30pm and a screening of Serenity at 7:00pm.

Tickets must be purchased in advance at https://porcupineoutdoorrecreationclub.wildapricot.org/event-5110001 and support the Civic Action Fund, so get yours before they’re gone and start preparing now to show us what Big Damn Heroes you are!


The crew of Serenity

Liberty Dinner 2023 early bird tickets on sale now!

The New Hampshire Liberty Alliance cordially invites you to its 2023 Liberty Dinner on Saturday July 22nd, with tickets at last year’s prices for a limited time!

We will unveil this year’s Liberty Rating and award the Legislator of the Year and Activist of the Year. In addition to a buffet dinner and an evening with both old and new friends, there will be a silent auction of various items (liberty-themed and otherwise)—plus a special surprise!

Get your tickets at libertydinner.com!

Empty Gas

Running on Empty! PAC Fundraiser

Liberty continues to live and grow in New Hampshire. We had 97 NHLA Endorsed Representatives and Senators elected!
We supported 158 candidates in the primary and general election and must replenish funds to be able to support liberty candidates in special elections. We are holding a PAC fundraising event at Vine 32 in Bedford on Monday, November 28th. If you can attend, we’d love to see you at the event. Please buy your ticket (which acts as a contribution to our PAC). If you can’t attend but have the means to help us prepare for what are sure to be challenging special elections in 2023, please consider donating to the PAC.

Liberty Dinner 2022 tickets on sale now!

The New Hampshire Liberty Alliance cordially invites you to its 2022 Liberty Dinner on Saturday July 23rd from 6:00 to 11:00 PM. Formal attire please.

We will unveil this year’s Liberty Rating and award the Legislator of the Year and Activist of the Year. In addition to a buffet dinner and an evening with both old and new friends, there will be a silent auction of various items – many of them liberty themed!

Get your tickets at libertydinner.com!

April 2022 Board Election Results

The April 2022 Board election is complete.Voting invitation was sent by email to all Full and Life Members for a total of 381 possible voters. 91 members cast votes for the election of these BOD positions. 24% voter response.

For Political Director

Matt Santonastaso – 80 votes  (89.89%)
None of the Above – 7 votes
Various Write-ins – 3 votes

For Membership Director

Larry Borland – 82 votes (92.13%)
None of these options – 5 votes
Various Write-in – 2 votes

For IT Director

Andrew Prout – 84 votes (95.45%)
None of these options – 2 votes
Various Write-in – 2 votes

Regrettably, although Mr. Prout had accepted the nomination for IT Director prior to having his name appear on the ballot (in accordance with normal board practice),  he has declined the position.

Therefore the IT Director position is OPEN. If you would like to be considered for this position,  please contact the Board at board@nhliberty.org

2021 Liberty Rating and Liberty Dinner

The 2021 Liberty Dinner was a big success!

Thank you to all who attended. We released our 2021 Liberty rating.  74 Representatives got an A+ and in total 176 representatives and senators received a B+ or higher.

The Legislator of the Year was the Honorable Michael Yakubovich representing Hooksett – district Merrimack-24. He is a member of the Executive Departments and Administration committee.
He was first elected to office in 2018 and he has received  an NHLA Liberty rating score of A or higher for each year  he has been in office.

Our activist of the year was Kate Baker Demers. Kate has been working  tirelessly for education freedom in New Hampshire for more than 15  years across a number of  organizations.

Our keynote was done in a talk show/interview format with the topic of Solutions to Big Tech censorship.

Thank you to all of our sponsors, all those who donated and everyone that attended.

2021 Liberty Dinner – Get your tickets now

The New Hampshire Liberty Alliance cordially invites you to its 2021 Liberty Dinner on Saturday July 24th from 6:00 to 11:00 PM. Formal attire please. 

We will unveil this year’s Liberty Rating, announce the Legislator of the year, and announce the Activist of the year. In addition to a buffet dinner and an evening with both old and new friends, there will be a silent auction of various items – many of them liberty themed!
Get your tickets here!

2021 Mid-Term Legislator Scores

2021 Mid-Term Rating

This is an unweighted mid-term rating based on roll call votes on pro-liberty and anti-liberty bills.

Pro-liberty bills protect individual freedom of choice and personal responsibility; recognize the superiority of freedom over coercion; respect the citizen’s right of self-ownership; promote governance that is transparent, accountable, and adheres to the Constitution; and recognize the value of voluntary economic decisions.

Anti-liberty bills replace self-governance with interventionist regulation; assume rules made by agencies backed by force are superior to voluntary choices backed by personal accountability; and assume a better economy can be managed by a central authority that compels people and businesses to pay for policies they may not willingly support.

The Liberty Rating is the result of hundreds of hours of work by many volunteers who have read and analyzed bills, testified before committees, called and written their representatives, worked on our other signature publication, the Gold Standard, and culled extensive data from legislative voting records. We encourage New Hampshire citizens to learn the facts about how their elected representatives are voting in Concord and to use this tool to hold them accountable. Final year end ratings may differ in as in the final rating, bills are weighted by their impacts and thus the raw scores here may differ from final scores.

Mid-Term Liberty Rating 2021