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Bill Hearings for Week of March 20, 2023

  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 0 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 0 and opposition of 0 with 0 being of interest.
Of the 27 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 7 and opposition of 7 with 1 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Oppose HB467 relative to public playground accessibility. Commerce Tue 3/21 9:15 AM SH Room 100 This bill requires public playgrounds in use on or after January 1, 2024 to have solid rubber or rubber composite surfacing for accessibility to the playground and each piece of equipment.
Support HB477 to prohibit municipal inspections of owner-occupied units of multi-unit housing. Commerce Tue 3/21 9:45 AM SH Room 100 This bill prohibits municipal inspections of owner-occupied units within residential structures of 4 units or less.
Support HB117 relative to the termination of tenancy at the expiration of the tenancy or lease term. Commerce Tue 3/21 10:00 AM SH Room 100 This bill adds the expiration of the term of the lease or tenancy if over 6 months as grounds for an eviction.
Support HB466 relative to water bottle filling stations in schools. Education Tue 3/21 9:15 AM LOB Room 101 This bill repeals the state board of education’s rulemaking authority to adopt rules pursuant to RSA 541-A relative to requirements for the installation of water bottle filling stations.
Of Interest HB83 relative to county commissioners’ authority on county buildings. Election Law and Municipal Affairs Tue 3/21 9:35 AM LOB Room 103 This bill increases the expense thresholds for county commissioners’ authority to purchase real estate and repair, enlarge, or erect county buildings.
Support HB252 (New Title) exempting certain agricultural operations from certain municipal noise ordinances. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 3/21 9:30 AM SH Room 103 This bill exempts farming and agricultural operations from municipal noise ordinances.
Support HB188 relative to the duration of physical therapy. Health and Human Services Wed 3/22 9:15 AM LOB Room 101 This bill removes the requirement that a physical therapist refer a patient to a health care provider if there is no documented improvement after 25 days of treatment.
Support HB223 relative to prescription refills. Health and Human Services Wed 3/22 9:30 AM LOB Room 101 This bill creates an exception to the 34-day limit on prescription refills of schedule III topical androgens if the prescription specifies it is being used for the treatment of chronic low testosterone replacement therapy.
Support HB500 relative to prescribing opioids via telehealth medicine. Health and Human Services Wed 3/22 9:45 AM LOB Room 101 This bill modifies the procedure for physicians, physician assistants and APRN’s to prescribe certain non-opioid and opioid controlled drugs by means of telemedicine.

Bill Hearings for Week of March 13, 2023

  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 14 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 1 and opposition of 1 with 4 being of interest.
Of the 18 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 3 and opposition of 3 with 1 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Of Interest HB1 making appropriations for the expenses of certain departments of the state for fiscal years ending June 30, 2024 and June 30, 2025. Finance Mon 3/13 2:00 PM Representatives Hall NHLA Note: See full bill text by clicking bill number link. This is the operating budget bill with line item
appropriations to specific operations.
Of Interest HB2 relative to state fees, funds, revenues, and expenditures. Finance Mon 3/13 2:00 PM Representatives Hall NHLA Note: See full bill text by clicking bill number link. This is the budget trailer bill with policy changes and detailed appropriations.
Of Interest HB609 relative to energy facility siting. Science, Technology and Energy Mon 3/13 9:00 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill establishes the regulation of energy facility siting within the public utilities commission and establishes new procedures to replace the site evaluation committee.
Oppose HB142 relative to the operation of the Burgess Biopower plant. Science, Technology and Energy Mon 3/13 9:10 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill allows the public utilities commission to amend its orders as necessary to protect the continued operation of the Burgess Biopower plant.
Support HB639 relative to the legalization and regulation of cannabis and making appropriations therefor. Ways and Means Mon 3/13 9:00 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill establishes procedures for the legalization, regulation, and taxation of cannabis; the licensing and regulation of cannabis establishments; and makes appropriations therefor.
Of Interest HB83 relative to county commissioners’ authority on county buildings. Election Law and Municipal Affairs Tue 3/14 9:30 AM LOB Room 103 This bill increases the expense thresholds for county commissioners’ authority to purchase real estate and repair, enlarge, or erect county buildings.
Support HB252 (New Title) exempting certain agricultural operations from certain municipal noise ordinances. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 3/14 9:30 AM SH Room 103 This bill exempts farming and agricultural operations from municipal noise ordinances.
Support HB409 relative to nonresident licensure by the board of barbering, cosmetology, and esthetics. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 3/15 9:45 AM SH Room 103 This bill modifies the requirements for nonresident licensure by the board of barbering, cosmetology, and esthetics.
Support HB262 relative to laboratory testing by licensed naturopaths Executive Departments and Administration Wed 3/15 10:00 AM SH Room 103 This bill adds naturopathic doctors to the definition of “licensed medical practitioner” for health facilities authorized for laboratory testing.
Of Interest HB25 making appropriations for capital improvements. Public Works and Highways Wed 3/15 10:00 AM LOB Room 201-203 This bill makes appropriations for capital improvements for the biennium and extends certain lapse dates for previous appropriations.

Bill Hearings for Week of March 06, 2023

  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 22 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 2 and opposition of 4 with 2 being of interest.
Of the 8 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 0 and opposition of 0 with 1 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Oppose HB249 non-germane amendment #2023-0697h to HB 249 relative to establishing
regulatory standards for the pet insurance industry
Commerce and Consumer Affairs Tue 3/7 9:45 AM LOB Room 210-211 The amendment establishes regulatory standards for the sale of pet insurance, allows the restaurant owner to bring their companion dog to the restaurant premises, and removes the option for restaurants to allow patrons to bring dogs to outdoor dining areas.
Oppose HB402 relative to prohibiting false statements against candidates. Election Law Tue 3/7 10:30 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill prohibits the publication of false statements by any candidate, political committee, or political party regarding another candidate’s positions on issues.
Oppose HB463 relative to the establishment of an election information portal. Election Law Tue 3/7 11:00 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill authorizes the secretary of state to develop an election information portal.
Support HB496 relative to the delivery of ballots to nursing homes and elder care facilities. Election Law Tue 3/7 1:30 PM LOB Room 306-308 This bill establishes a new procedure for delivering absentee ballots to voters in nursing homes and elder care facilities.
Of Interest SB270 relative to appropriations to the department of transportation. Finance Tue 3/7 1:00 PM SH Room 103 This bill appropriates $20,000,000 to the department of transportation for municipal bridges, and $20,000,000 to the department of transportation for additional “Apportionment A” distributions.
Of Interest HB609 relative to energy facility siting. Science, Technology and Energy Tue 3/7 9:00 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill establishes the regulation of energy facility siting within the public utilities commission and establishes new procedures to replace the site evaluation committee.
Oppose HB142 relative to the operation of the Burgess Biopower plant. Science, Technology and Energy Tue 3/7 10:30 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill allows the public utilities commission to amend its orders as necessary to protect the continued operation of the Burgess Biopower plant.
Support HB127 relative to the declaration of a state of emergency. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 3/8 10:30 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill revises the authority of the governor and general court to declare, renew, or terminate a state of emergency.
Of Interest HB533 Public Hearing on amendment #2023-0705h to HB 533-FN, relative to public school human
rights complaints
Judiciary Wed 3/8 9:00 AM LOB Room 206-208 The amendment gives the commissioner of education the authority to issue subpoenas related to violations of the code of ethics and code of conduct for licensed or certified personnel.

Bill Hearings for Week of February 27, 2023

  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 12 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 2 and opposition of 0 with 1 being of interest.
Of the 0 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 0 and opposition of 0 with 0 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Support HB363 relative to deadlines for candidates filing by nomination papers for state general elections. Election Law Tue 2/28 11:00 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill changes the deadlines for candidates filing by nomination papers for state general elections.
Of Interest HB387 permitting election ballots to be viewed pursuant to a right to know request. Election Law Tue 2/28 1:30 PM LOB Room 306-308 This bill permits election ballots to be viewed pursuant to a right to know request.
Support HB136 relative to the department of health and human services collaborating and holding a roll call vote on final proposal of rules with the advisory council prior to departmental rulemaking. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Wed 3/1 9:30 AM LOB Room 210-211 This bill requires the department of health and human services seek authorization from the advisory council for the department of health and human services prior to adopting departmental rules.